
solar parker probe

universe Primary objectives The primary objective of solar Parker probe satellite is to detect valuable information regarding energy flow of corona (i.e. actual phenomenon of generation) To determine structure and position of plasma and magnetic field at solar wind. Find an actual mechanism that speed up moments of particles  This is three main objectives of solar Parker probe.      Why this research is important First, because of solar wind generated by sun, are very harmful to earth atmosphere and they are destructive in nature.   The solar wind carries ENERGETIC PARTICLES caused disturbances in our communication systems. And to protect our society from such kind of destruction we need to first understand it very clearly. That’s why we need to solve the mystery of corona.   solar wind  Mission duration: 6 yrs, 11 month Launch, august 12, 2018 at 3.31 a.m. EDT (7.31 UTC) Launch carrier: delta IV-heavy with upper stage   timeline :